Ulises Fiero SouthernXposure Guide

Ulises Fierro


Ulises has been devoted to traditional, sport and adventure rock climbing, both single and multi pitch, since 2008. 

He actively participates in the new development of rock climbing in Mexico with the opening,  cleaning and equipping of routes in all styles, as well as the  re-equipping and maintenance of preexisting routes.  

He has been able to make more than 60 first free ascents of 5.13 routes, five 5.14’s and more than ninety 5.12 routes. In total he has climbed at least 176.8 km of rock and still counting… 

In 2018 he made the short film ALIENTO, which premiered the same year at the BANFF  Film Festival (CA), and in 2019 won the award for best climbing film at the ULJU Film  Festival (KR). In 2021 he co-founded the PUDE project, focused on the sustainable development of climbing in Mexico. In 2022 his short film AER premiered at the TRENTO Film Festival (IT). That year also he also jointly published his first rock climbing guidebook for LOS DINAMOS.  

After almost 20 years in the vertical world, climbing defines Ulises. When he is guiding he feels this is the best version of himself. Climbing has shaped his character and the way he has learned from nature. Guiding has made Ulises more observant and sensitive, also more patient and confident, but  above all, climbing makes him very happy. Therefore, sharing climbing with others for him is total  satisfaction.